Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Full Moon Fiasco XXI true-up

I'm having a hard time with hyperlinking or even posting a link, so to see some pix, go to my page (DanaW and the FBC) on and check out my albums.

Ok, back at it again here on the blogspot. It's hard to know where to begin after so much time off from these updates. The biggest reason (other than my laziness) was publicity. Due to a spot in the Chicago Reader, June's ride exploded to about 80 participants, which is cool. The part that wasn't cool was that with this came a fuckstick named Trevor, trying to start fights. Lucky for all, Trevor had his ass turned inside out by 3 rugby players along on the ride and we haven't seen him since. The event put me off doing any sort of outgoing messages, etc. BUT, everything's been gravy since as we just keep drinking, riding and keeping shit positive. Yeah.

Our last ride was a good one. Turnout was small in July, but our numbers were back up to about 40 for August. Amongst the throng were quite a few regular faces and a handful of new ones, which I'm always pleased to see. Sol and Ed lead us south to Ogden, calling a few audibles along the way to make the route more interesting. Without any delays, we arrived at the Twisted Spoke to continue the beer intake. The rooftop was open and we had just enough time to drink a beer up there before they shut it down.

Shortly after midnight, a call was made for an extra credit stop. W Cut Rate Liquors is a neighborly Polish joint on Division not far from there, serving $1.50 PBRs and my personal favorite when in that part of town, Okocim.

The late nighters danced, and I learned that armpit punches don't feel as good as one would expectl, we snapped off a full moon shot...

...played some pool and closed down the place at 2 before massing up our separate groups heading off to diferrent parts of the city. All in all, a tremendously kickass ride.