Hey yall. Good times last Tuesday. Once again, we were back on a school night. Looking ahead, July will be on a Friday. August will fall on...ahem...the third Saturday of the month. Those of you who know the Marauders know exactly what kind of brew that stirs.
Anyway, a nice ride through the North Side. Cruised through a couple of parks, then south to Logan Square to land at the Two Way, aptly named for the entrances on both Fullerton and Milwaukee.
On the way, we had Willow cranking the pedals of her little bike as though she were powering the entire northside. We had Craig portaging the Modus Hoperandi. Thanks Craig, it was delicous. We also had a bunch of yahoos that didn't ride with us meet up at the Two-Way. You know who you are. Good to see you anyway. When it started getting late, a few of us fools gave up the seven dollar pitchers and went to Corner Bar for $4 pitchers. If memory serves, we took a photo of our Full Moons inside the bar, but proof has yet to be rendered. See yall next month!