Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Sturgeon Moon

I added a Follow by Email button on the sidebar below the full moon dates. Get email notifications when I put words on this page!

I wanted to join the haters for our new new location but Gio's ended up being a good spot! They had cheap wings, good service and we took over almost the entire front patio (except for a guy and his dog named after Rosa Parks, wtf). The group also seems to like moving around to new spots so we haven't settled on a permanent start location.

Taking over the patio


Sometimes social rides are more about the social than the rides. We ended up staying late at Gio's, even for us, so we skipped the park stop and headed to Windy City Inn.

Enthusiastic bar decor

It started to rain right as we ran out of for a photo. Soggy moon!

Saturday, August 13, 2016

New New Location for August Ride!

Next ride is on Thursday, August 18th for the Sturgeon Moon! Meet at Gio's Bar, 4857 N. Damen around 8. Leave sometime around 9.

Enjoy a summer evening with some old and new friends, food, beer, a bike ride, a park stop and a surprise destination (TBD), and also see some full moon(s).