Tuesday, August 26, 2008

FBC1: Take it to the Beach, Billy!

The first FBC ride is official. Here's the details:

Wednesday, Sep 3

7-8PM-meet at the Piano Man at Grace/Clark

Ride starts at 8.

Destination: Castaways at North Avenue Beach. (Route TBA at Piano Man)

Follow the rules of the road when necessary.
Don't be an asshole.
Be aware and help out less experienced bikers.


  1. Holyshit this sounds awesome. I will definitely be there!

  2. Two things.
    You need to do rides on the full moon.

    We in St. Louis are having an Alleycat race on Sept. 21. So come on down and have some fun.
    go herefor more info.

  3. Hello FBC.
    It's me, Michael.
    Let's do this.
